BCSDNCC: A Secure Blockchain SDN framework for IoT and Cloud Computing


  • Sravan Kumar V Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Balaji Institute of Technology and Science, Telangana- 506330, India Author
  • Madhu Kumar V Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Balaji Institute of Technology and Science, Telangana, India. Author https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1855-2498
  • Chandu Naik Azmea Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CVR College of Engineering, Telangana-501510, India. Author
  • Karthik Kumar Vaigandla Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Balaji Institute of Technology and Science, Telangana, India. Author https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9027-4715




Blockchain, Cloud computing, Distributed denial-of-service, Distributed systems, Internet of Things, Security, Software-Defined Networking


Rapid progress can be observed in the field of computer network technologies. Blockchain technology(BCT) presents a potentially viable alternative for effectively mitigating performance and security issues encountered in distributed systems. Recent studies have focused on exploring a number of exciting new technologies, including BlockChain (BC), Software-Defined Networking (SDN), and the Internet of Things (IoT). Various technologies offer data integrity and secrecy. One such technology that has been utilized for a number of years is cloud computing (CC). Cloud architecture facilitates the flow of confidential information, enabling customers to access remote resources. CC is also accompanied with notable security dangers, concerns, and challenges. In order to tackle these difficulties, we suggest integrating BC and SDN into a CC framework designed for the IoT. The fundamental flexibility and centralized capabilities of SDN facilitate network management, facilitate network abstraction, simplify network evolution, and possess the capacity to effectively handle the IoT network. The utilization of BCT is widely acknowledged as a means to ensure robust security inside distributed SDN (DSDN) and IoT networks, hence enhancing the efficacy of the detection and mitigation procedures.


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How to Cite

V, S.K. (2024) “BCSDNCC: A Secure Blockchain SDN framework for IoT and Cloud Computing”, International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation, 6(3), pp. 26–44. doi:10.54392/irjmt2433.